关于「 12083」的内容列表

12083 spETH addresses were stolen or were the address of the divine fish

On September 28, a phishing contract was signed at an address, resulting in the theft of 12,083 spETH, worth about $32.43 million. According to Scam Sniffer's analysis, the victim and czsamsun (0x902) on Debank made 9-digit transfers to each other, so it was likely the same entity.

2024-10-10 04:03:22

9月28日某地址签署了钓鱼合约签名,导致12083个spETH被盗,价值约3243万美元。而据Scam Sniffer分析,受害者和Debank上的czsamsun(神鱼地址0x902)相互进行了9位数字的转账,因此很可能是同一实体。

2024-10-10 04:03:22

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